Forest Preserve Bible Church first opened its doors in 1974, formed by the merger of Faith Baptist Church and Addison Heights Church. Initially, our building consisted only of a basement, but with the merger, the main sanctuary floor was added, shaping the church into its current form. Over the years, we have diligently followed the command of the Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have achieved this through various ministries, community outreach, and the sending and supporting of missionaries to different parts of the globe. Today, we are a diverse congregation spanning many generations, and are committed to showing our love for Jesus Christ by loving one another. At FPBC, we honor our roots and traditions while looking forward to the future, striving to remain a beacon of light in the community for years to come.
If you visit us, you may hear the name “Pastor Steve '' mentioned frequently. Although FPBC has been led by several shepherds, Rev. Pastor Steve Rzany remains the longest-serving pastor in our church’s history and holds a permanent place in its legacy. Pastor Steve became the pastor of FPBC in November 1991 and served until the Lord called him home in May 2022. He took on this role with limited training and attended Moody Bible Institute while embarking on his pastoral journey. Through God’s blessing and his dedication to ministry, FPBC experienced significant growth during his tenure. Pastor Steve was a true embodiment of servant leadership. He was not only a remarkable preacher but also actively engaged in hands-on tasks around the church, including cleaning, landscaping, and various DIY projects.
One of Pastor Steve’s most notable traits was his profound love for others. He had a deep love for Christ and His church, reflecting this in every interaction with those who came through FPBC’s doors. Pastor Steve was committed to coming alongside other believers, helping them strengthen their walk with the Lord. No matter the situation, you could always count on him to offer support. He was unwavering in his dedication to helping those in need and believed that every believer had a role to play in the body of Christ. He excelled at connecting people with ministries and utilizing their talents for the edification of the church. Those who knew him often remarked on his ability to inspire and encourage others, even when they doubted themselves. Despite his many talents, he remained humble and always responded to praise with, “All for God’s glory.” Pastor Steve was a pastor, gifted teacher, counselor, confidant, and friend. Although he is no longer with us in person, his legacy endures at FPBC. Our church is more than just a community, it is a family - a unique aspect largely attributed to Pastor Steve’s ministry and the example he set, making everyone feel like a valued part of the family of God.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6